Digitization leads to disruptions

digitization herbak consulting

Digitization is not a trend

No one ques­ti­ons that the degree of digi­tiza­ti­on in com­pa­nies will be decisi­ve for their sur­vi­val in the coming years. As a digi­tal nati­ve, digi­tiza­ti­on is not only a mat­ter of cour­se for me, but also enri­ching for com­pa­nies. The ques­ti­on of whe­ther digi­tiza­ti­on is good or bad is irrele­vant. Becau­se the digi­tal trans­for­ma­ti­on is not a trend that will soon be repla­ced by a new trend. Digi­tiza­ti­on goes much deeper, start­ing from the pri­va­te envi­ron­ment to our under­stan­ding of com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on and work. This deve­lo­p­ment will not only chan­ge com­pa­nies and crea­te new busi­ness models. Rather, the degree of digi­tiza­ti­on will deter­mi­ne how inno­va­ti­ve and thus how com­pe­ti­ti­ve com­pa­nies will be in the future. The decisi­ve fac­tor is that the com­pe­ti­ti­on — from inter­na­tio­nal cor­po­ra­ti­ons to small and medi­um-sized com­pa­nies — is alre­a­dy using digi­tal stra­te­gies for per­son­nel recruit­ment and pro­cess optimization.

New types of companies are emerging

For a long time, com­pa­nies could rely on their pro­ducts, their core work­force and even their solid com­pe­ti­ti­on. Today, howe­ver, we see how quick­ly the cor­po­ra­te land­scape — intern­al­ly and extern­al­ly — is chan­ging. Employees are chan­ging employ­ers fas­ter and fas­ter. Wit­hout having their own phy­si­cal pro­ducts, start-ups quick­ly beco­me glo­bal mar­ket lea­ders based on their ide­as of brin­ging cus­to­mers and sup­pli­ers tog­e­ther online.

Inno­va­tions that are clo­se­ly based on real cus­to­mer needs and the under­stan­ding of digi­tal chan­ge as an oppor­tu­ni­ty has made many com­pa­nies world mar­ket lea­ders by deve­lo­ping com­ple­te­ly new busi­ness models. The­se mar­ket dis­rup­ti­ons can also be trig­ge­red by small start-ups the­se days, lea­ding to an immense acce­le­ra­ti­on of com­pe­ti­ti­on. As ear­ly as 2016, the num­ber of Inter­net acces­ses via mobi­le devices (smart­phones, tablets) was hig­her than via desk­top PCs for the first time. Has your com­pa­ny kept pace with this deve­lo­p­ment? And how digi­tal and user-fri­end­ly are your HR pro­ces­ses really?

In order for the digi­tal trans­for­ma­ti­on to suc­ceed in your com­pa­ny as well, you should pay par­ti­cu­lar atten­ti­on to pro­fes­sio­nal exper­ti­se when choo­sing a con­sul­tant. In addi­ti­on to various pro­ject manage­ment methods such as CIP, Scrum, Kan­ban, Water­fall and MVP approach, I have exten­si­ve indus­try expe­ri­ence in the are­as of food, auto­mo­ti­ve, IT, mar­ke­ting and pro­duc­tion. So I know exact­ly how dif­fe­rent the goals of each com­pa­ny are. Becau­se not­hing is worse and more expen­si­ve than incor­rect­ly imple­men­ted soft­ware that neither suits your com­pa­ny nor your goals. To ensu­re that this does not hap­pen to you, you should work with an expert right from the start who, taking your indus­try, your bud­get and your chal­lenges into account, will deve­lop an adapt­ed digi­tal stra­tegy and imple­ment it suc­cessful­ly and sus­tain­ab­ly in your company.

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