Guest at the HR Innovation Day 2018 in Leipzig

Ariane Herbak - HR Innovation Day Leipzig

On June 2nd, 2018 I was a guest in Leip­zig to find out about the latest HR trends.

The mot­to of this year’s HR Inno­va­ti­on Day was once again inno­va­tions in HR work. In addi­ti­on to exci­ting key­notes on the sub­ject of arti­fi­ci­al intel­li­gence and peo­p­le ana­ly­tics, the latest fin­dings on employee satis­fac­tion, lea­der­ship and work tech­ni­ques were pre­sen­ted. What makes the HR Inno­va­ti­on Day so uni­que is the fami­ly atmo­sphe­re, both among the visi­tors and bet­ween the spea­k­ers and the audi­ence. This crea­tes a space for lively exch­an­ge and dis­cus­sions on the sub­ject of HR.

In addi­ti­on to many inter­na­tio­nal spea­k­ers, such as Tom Haak from the HR Trend Insti­tu­te in Ams­ter­dam and Rebec­ca Lun­din from Cel­pax in Stock­holm, spea­k­ers such as Phil­lip Schuch from Düs­sel­dorf and Dr. Dani­el Mühl­bau­er from Munich exci­ting insights into the latest HR methods and trends. The first lec­tu­re star­ted at 08.00 and dealt with evi­dence-based HR manage­ment. This included deal­ing with fun­da­men­tal ques­ti­ons such as “What is the mea­ning of moti­va­ti­on in con­trast to meaningful­ness and app­re­cia­ti­on?” “What are the dif­fe­ren­ces bet­ween the tar­get groups?” And is Gene­ra­ti­on Y real­ly that dif­fe­rent from the baby boo­mer gene­ra­ti­on?” Many exci­ting ques­ti­ons , to which we have recei­ved very sur­pri­sing ans­wers with the help of num­e­rous studies.

Ano­ther pre­sen­ta­ti­on dealt with employee satis­fac­tion. Rebec­ca Lun­din spo­ke about employee mora­le and the abili­ty to effi­ci­ent­ly, dai­ly, anony­mously and in real-time mea­su­re day-to-day employee satis­fac­tion. The influen­cing fac­tors that are visi­ble in this way enable com­pa­nies to react spe­ci­fi­cal­ly to posi­ti­ve and nega­ti­ve events. The important issue of cul­tu­ral adapt­a­ti­on was also rai­sed. Chris­toph Atha­nas from metaHR in Ber­lin once again drew atten­ti­on to the importance of the cul­tu­ral fit bet­ween employees and the com­pa­ny. Every com­pa­ny is cha­rac­te­ri­zed by its own cor­po­ra­te cul­tu­re, which must be con­vey­ed in job inter­views. This is the only way to ensu­re that the can­di­da­te recei­ves a rea­li­stic pic­tu­re of the future employ­er. But this is also a chall­enge for the appli­cant. Is he or she rea­li­stic? Which cor­po­ra­te cul­tu­re real­ly suits him? Here again the need for honest, trans­pa­rent job inter­views beco­mes clear.

Final­ly, Mar­tin Gaedt should also be men­tio­ned here, who cau­sed a stir in 2014 and 2016 with his books “The Myth of Skil­led Labor” and “Rock your Idea — Chan­ging the World with Ide­as”. Anyo­ne who has ever seen him live knows that Gaedt hims­elf brings the neces­sa­ry crea­ti­vi­ty to his lec­tures. Por­ce­lain pla­tes are smas­hed or paper air­planes used to show how quick­ly new ide­as can ari­se when crea­ti­vi­ty is allo­wed. With his con­tri­bu­ti­on: “Rock your recrui­ting — 7 bil­li­on ways to 7 bil­li­on peo­p­le” Gaedt final­ly whe­ts the appe­ti­te for inno­va­ti­ve human resour­ces work. With many inspi­ring and ama­zing examp­les on the sub­ject of employee recruit­ment, he show­ed how important crea­ti­vi­ty is in ever­y­day pro­fes­sio­nal life.

Becau­se new ide­as not only need crea­ti­vi­ty, but also cou­ra­ge and, abo­ve all, the right envi­ron­ment to imple­ment them. With this in mind, I wish ever­yo­ne a crea­ti­ve day!

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